Weekly Readings Recap #2



This is the second post in my weekly reading recap series, In this week I read and try some walkthroughs in different topics and domains including the following:

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) & BizTalk:

  1. Walkthrough: Publishing WCF Services with the WCF-NetMsmq Adapter
  2. Walkthrough: Custom Message Processing with the WCF-NetTcp Adapter
  3. BizTalk to WCF Data Services (OData Service)
  4. Consuming OData from BizTalk Server using AtomPub


Windows Azure, SharePoint, Office 365:

  1. Book: Chapter 3: Consuming SQL Azure Data [Developing SP Apps using Windows Azure Book]
  2. Video: Developing Custom Workflow Actions with Visual Studio 2010 [Office 365 Video Training Kit]
  3. Blog Post: Using SharePoint REST API $filter to specify multiple columns

Weekly Readings Recap #1


A friend of mine asked me to share what I usually read, So I decided to start a weekly blog posts series recapping what valuable resources I read during the week and at the same time It will help me in saving these links for future.

Below, find my selections for the past week:

  1. A blog post illustrating how to split a large form into multiple pages in SharePoint: http://tinyurl.com/3osco7b [SharePoint]
  2. Tobias Zimmegrens a SharePoint MVP have a very brilliant blog posts series on SharePoint Development For Performance, this week I read part 8: Control that ViewState [SharePoint] http://tinyurl.com/3kcs5z7
  3. What is SaaS (Software As a Service) White paper published in 2001, It’s really important to observe the evolution of such a concept: http://tinyurl.com/27meb3h [Cloud Computing]
  4. “Using Custom Controls to Enhance LightSwitch Application UI” Article in CodeMagazine: http://tinyurl.com/3cu22by [Visual Studio LightSwitch]
  5. Practicing OData with Windows Live Services scenarios by following the Walkthrough: OData client for Windows Live Services: http://tinyurl.com/4x6epeu [Open Data Protocol]
  6. I’ve watched the following Visual Studio videos: [TFS/ALM]